Monday, October 26, 2009

A Chat?

In my never-ending efforts to learn this stuff and, at the same time, give you guys something extra, I'm going to try to have a live chat on Friday at noon. Sound good?

All you'll have to do is come to this site, and I'll have a post all set up with a software my friend Patti Traina was good enough to show me. If there's a God in heaven, we'll be chatting directly to each other, in real time.

I'll continue to throw up reminders throughout the week. But for now, start getting your questions together. I figure we'll go a half-hour, between noon and 12:30 p.m. EST. I have a feeling it'll be a lively conversation.



  1. Ok Ern. Don't big time me. I will be there with some great questions.

  2. How about a poll??? What is the Giants biggest problem right now? Db's, Gilbride, Tynes
