Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trying Something New Tomorrow

Just thought I'd put up a reminder that I'm live-blogging the game tomorrow. I'm going to try something new with the live-chat software, Coveritlive. I'll live-blog the game, and accept your comments into the live blog so everybody can see them in real time. That way, it'll become as much a chat that everybody can get in on as it is a live blog. I might even find time to answer a question or two, right then and there, if there's a lull in the action.

We'll try it like this, and if you guys like it, we'll continue it. I think I've got the box size issue ironed out, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm also going to have an up-to-date scoreboard at the bottom so you'll see the latest score throughout.

Hope to see you then.