Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hey, C.C. Brown Fans!

The Giants have tendered the restricted safety. Now, before you all get out the torches and pitchforks, be it known that a report indicated the tender was the lowest possible -- $1.226 million -- which means that if the Giants don't match another team's offer, he's free to go WITHOUT compensation.

That leaves just CB Kevin Dockery and TE Darcy Johnson without tenders. And word is the Giants might yet re-sign Johnson, though it appears they want nothing more to do with Dockery. And that's awfully telling, since these tenders do nothing to affect the salary cap, because there IS NO CAP this year. Not unless the great minds that are leading management and players somehow figure out a way to split up those $8 billion equitably before midnight Friday.

Don't think it's gonna happen. They don't even have any talks scheduled before then.



  1. Why????? What reason would he ever get for even being tenered at a penny???? I have my blow torch out and am heading straight over the GWB... The stench is too palpable, im heading back to NY, Jersey isnt even worth it for this!

  2. Haha, I hear ya Wayno. My only guess is that Jerry is giving Perry Fewell a chance to create some competition in camp or maybe create a miracle and turn CC into something decent( although that is unfathomable at the moment ). Another reason may be that Michael Johnson is really that bad or worse than we thought.

  3. Ah, MJ is horrible...so is C.C.

    This is a move, I just don't understand.

    Chris B.

  4. CC will not make it out of camp a Giant. My only question is, why would Reese and Coughlin even tender him an offer knowing that Mara wanted things to change? I've got to think that ownership was consulted on this first, and that it was explained very calmly to him because Mara was pretty P.O'd after the season and CC is the poster boy for the problem.
